Dobson Jr. drives Dobson Snr. in their track & hillclimb GTV

The Merrell brothers lead John Symes in Richard\’s 2 litre GTA Replica… nice clipping point!

Adam Pleeth driving his father Ian\’s 2 litre GTA Replica

Max Banks took many people out for hot laps in his Alfaholics GTA Replica. Here leading Richard Merrell\’s brother. GTA Replicas were plentiful this year!

Chris Clarke hangs onto his lovely Sprint/hillclimb spec 1600 GTJ!

Darren Wiles and Steve Norton in Darren\’s lovely GTA Replica that Steve built

Andrew Banks taking a lucky young lady out for a few hot laps in his 3.0 GTV!

Bianco prepared cars were plentiful, as ever, this year! Here Glen Hurley drives the Sud and 33

Dave Tyson, loyal Alfaholics trackday goer, year in year out, in his beautiful grey 1600 Sprint GT


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