Gift Voucher Terms & Conditions

  • Vouchers may be exchanged at face value for products offered by Alfaholics (subject to availability) at the price subsisting at the time of redemption.
  • Where applicable, carriage and VAT will be added and charged at the rate in force on the date of redemption.
  • Vouchers may only be exchanged for products of an equal or higher value (upon payment of the difference) than the face value of the voucher.
    Vouchers are valid up to and including the “valid until” date shown on the front of the voucher.
  • Vouchers must be returned to Alfaholics prior to the “valid until” date in order to be redeemed.
  • Vouchers are non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash.
  • Vouchers cannot be replaced if lost or stolen.
  • Vouchers which are defaced, altered or cancelled will not be accepted by Alfaholics.




Where prices are shown in any currency other than GBP sterling, please note that such prices are only indicative and are intended as a guide.
You will always be quoted and charged in GBP sterling.