Boughton House

Richard Morris collects 1st place Trophy for the best 105 series and the Malcolm Morris award for the best Bertone Coupe. Car restored by Richard Banks of Alfaholics

The Alfaholics stand was a hive of activity all day, especially for the members of the Dutch Alfa Club who had come over to England for the weekend. They were able to see the quality of our products first hand which they had seen on our website.

Alfaholics display of stainless steel sports exhausts available for both 105 series and modern 916 series GTV

Alfas on display at Boughton House

Max\’s Alfaholics GTA Replica was a huge source of interest all day!

Lovely early Sud Sprint and 1750 Berlina, 2 very rare cars now in the UK


Where prices are shown in any currency other than GBP sterling, please note that such prices are only indicative and are intended as a guide. You will always be quoted and charged in GBP sterling.

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